Iroko Doors

Iroko is a very popular timber due to its durability and stability it is often used as an alternative to Teak and it can also be stained to match Cedar.   Here are some examples of this glorious timber.

Click on the images for further information on each doorset.

Contemporary Iroko Front Door with Vertical Boards (batten effect to external face)
Concealed/grooved pull handle& Frame with Fully Glazed Sidelights and Vertical Slats Ref. VB71

contemporary doors made from iroko

Cottage Style Door Framed Ledged and Frame with Fully Glazed Sidelights
(double mullion detail) Made from IROKORef. FL112

Iroko stable door ref. SD1-35
Click here or on the door to see more stable doors

Internal Double Doors FHB Style and Frame made from Iroko
Click here or on the doors to see more double doors

Gothic style door with matching side panels made from Iroko
Click here or on the door to see more gothic/tudor style doors

iroko door bespoke
Iroko door with gothic style glazing beads and frame with matching sidelights

Arts and Crafts Style Door with 8 Panes and Weathermould Shelf and Frame
Made from Iroko – Ref. AC8-05
Click here or on the door to see more arts and crafts style doors

iroko front door vertical panels and sidelight
Iroko front door vertical panels and sidelight
iroko front door with sidelight
Iroko front door with sidelight
Iroko door stained in Medium Oak shade
Iroko door stained in Medium Oak shade
iroko external double doors
Iroko Swept Head Double Doors
Iroko arched door - one glazed pane over 2 timber panels
Iroko arched door – one glazed pane over 2 timber panels

Iroko doors stained to a Mahogany shade

Iroko HB door and frame with fully glazed slim side panels
Iroko door – stained with Teknos Natures Eight shade NE05
Iroko doorset stained Light Oak
Iroko doorset stained NE08
Iroko door – walnut base coat
Iroko stable door stained to Teknos shade NE08
Contemporary HB doorset stained with a Teak base coat
iroko contemporary doorset
Iroko contemporary door HB41 click the door for more information
Iroko arched door stained to match Cedar
Iroko arched door stained to match Cedar
Iroko contemporary framed vertical boarded door and frame with fully glazed sidelights FVB03
Iroko contemporary door FHB34 click for more FHB doors
Iroko contemporary double doors
Iroko Contemporary Double Doors One Third/Two Thirds Split Vertical Boarded VBDD04
Iroko stable door porthole vision
Iroko Stable Door SD4-11 Click to see more
iroko door
Contemporary iroko door with narrow boards click for more info